• Do It Yourself,  Fashion

    Chokers: The Ultimate Guide – Part 3: Style

    Welcome back! Here is the final part of the Ultimate Choker Guide! We have prepared ideas for you on how to style these chokers I made in the previous post. The hair, makeup and outfits are all my friend Teddy’s idea! I hope you like them! The pearl choker and the lace daisy one are girly and delicate, so they require something minimalistic as well. We went for a bohemian white dress with a French side braid and make-up with pinkier tones. I wore this choker on the Sofia Jazz Festival. You can check it out here. To spice up the white – we added some gold jewelry. Also, the sheer…

  • Do It Yourself

    Chokers: The Ultimate Guide – Part 2: DIY

    It’s been a while since I last posted a DIY on the blog. So happy I’m back with this very easy and creative one that any of you can make. As you know from the previous post, chokers have been worn since the French revolution and will send you to the next step of being chic. They elongate your neck and give off ‘fashion expert’ vibes. Be careful, however, in how tight they are on your neck. Not only is it dangerous, but also it doesn’t look flattering. So without further ado, take a look at the easy steps I’ve shared.      What you’ll need: ribbon or any sort…

  • Do It Yourself

    Dior-inspired Pearl Earrings

    I was inspired by Dior and Geneva from a pair and a spare to make these double pearl earrings and now I’m sharing it all with you! What’s quite surprising is how easy this DIY is, but also how often I wear these ones – doesn’t matter if it’s at school, a weekend laid-back stroll somewhere in the park, or at a party – you can never do it wrong! This is my all time favorite pair of earrings. It always looks good no matter what you wear. What you’ll need: glue (hot glue gun, or any other strong type of glue) 2 matching pearl beads a pair of regular pearl earrings…

  • Do It Yourself,  New Articles

    DIY: How to make your own baulbe necklace

    Hey everyone! In this post, I’m going to show you how to make this beautiful necklace from scratch. It is a great gift you can make to any woman you love or simply wear it yourself! What you will need: Plastic beads (could be any type, size & color you want – I obviously chose pearls since I love them) Headpins Jump rings A chain or some kind of ribbon, which will suit your necklace Toggles or lobster claws The first thing you should do is get a bead and a headpin. Loop the headpin through the bead. Chop the excess part of the metal. Using a round nose plier,…