• Мода

    Chokers: The Ultimate Guide – Part 1: History

    От настоящата и от следващите 2 статии ще научите всичко, което трябва да знаете за чокърите – историята им, как да си направите такива сами и как да ги комбинирате с всякакви тоалети. Този вид огърлици съществуват от векове. Имат богата история и са носени от всякакви хора – кралици, балерини и дори от проститутки. А днес чокърите могат да се видят в най-различни стилове за различни поводи. Единствено са запазили основната си концепция на огърлица, прилепнала около врата. По време на Френската революция жените носили червена панделка около врата си, за да покажат солидарност към тези, които са били обезглавявани. Доказателство за това как модата отразява мислите и вярванията…

  • Начин на живот

    The World Deserves to be a Better Place

    I have no idea in what direction we are all heading right now. I don’t know why things aren’t improving, although everybody seems to be working hard to achieve their goals and develop. Everybody is asking themselves a big question: why are we improving and destroying our lives at the same time? Please read this short article, it is really important. You’ve all heard the quote “We live in a big world”. But have you ever actually thought what this really means? Have you ever linked this statement to your own life? I’m afraid many of you haven’t. Because it takes a lot to realize on how many levels, aspects…

  • Външност

    Sofia Jazz Festival

    A few days ago I attended the A to JazZ Festival in Sofia. It was such a lovely experience – there was so much space for everybody, the music was amazing and the weather was perfect. There were all sorts of people there – from kids running around to old people who have come just to listen to the good music. What I enjoyed most was that everyone was having fun in their own way without disturbing others. From the photos you can probably see how beautiful it was in the South park of Sofia. Will definitely be sharing more shots from my future visits there! Преди няколко дни посетих…

  • Външност

    A Story about a Pink Princess…

    To be a princess for a day and to feel so special and loved is amazing… Not everything was like in a fairytale but this is what makes it even more special – with all its flaws and imperfections. I had my absolute dream prom with the people I love and with the dress I’ve always wanted. Today I’m sharing just a tiny bit of what it was like to be graduating and attending such a special event. I am so grateful for all these wonderful emotions I’ve recieved. Hopefully you like what you are about to see – I did my best to picture it with words and photographs:…

  • Мода,  Начин на живот,  Външност,  Тенденции

    Being Cosy for a Change

    Our lives are so full of life. A weird but absolutely true metaphor. This life consists of all of our ideas, passions, emotions, regrets, and we decide in what particular direction to aim all of this. During the last month or two I started feeling differently, perhaps more mature, or not really, but there is certainly a change. A change consisting of tiny and not so tiny things that happened to me, transormed my mind and inspired it to look at things with another eye. A change big enough to share with all of you. In a creative way. To be honest, I had no idea that I’d share this…

  • Мода,  Външност

    Autumn Landscape

    Autumn is officially here, cheries! And hopefully we will jump start this season with positive vibes! We’ll talk about trends, food, DIYs, and all kinds of inspiration. I know cold weather and rain may not be the most pleasant thing to all of you. But you can certainly make it less inferior by thinking in another way this year. Even though it is regarded as a dull season we can colour it in a thousand ways! We have all the clichès: pumpkin spice lattes, hot green teas, crisp air, fuzzy sweaters, movie nights, beautiful sceneries, and most importantly, cosy & quiet moments with your loved ones all to impatiently look…

  • Мода,  Тенденции

    Chagall Blue and Bright Yellow

    This combination has become more and more ubiquitous during the last few years, hasn’t it? Both of the colours give out a Marocco vibe with a bright note of the Miditerranean. This blue reminds me of the classic Chagall blue, named after the Russian artist Marc Chagall. I had the chance to flick through a book completely dedicated to him and took a few pictures of the paintings giving an example of his authentic blue colour.