• Мода

    Mina Goleva & Nikolay Bozhilov – New Collections

    Yesterday the newest member of The Radiant Cherie team – Hristiyana, and I went to see Bulgarian designers Mina Goleva and Nikolay Bozhilov’s new collections and showroom. We were warmly welcomed by the two in a cosy apartment in the very centre of Sofia. Mellow music was playing, nice wine and tasty snacks were offered so that the guests can escape from their everyday worries for a while and enjoy what these two have created. Вчера аз и най-новият член на екипа на The Radiant Cherie – Християна, отидохме да видим новите колекции и шоурум на българските дизайнери Мина Голева и Николай Божилов. Бяхме топло посрещнати от двамата в уютен…

  • Мода,  Външност,  Тенденции

    Goodbye school!

    Finally the last day of school appoached and I’m not sure whether I feel happy or sad. Not sure if I will miss all of this hustle & bustle of being a student. There have been moments when I felt extremely bad about all of these difficult tests and projects I had to cover for a short amount of time… About those unexpected examinations and that drop of adrenalin in your blood when the teacher says your name… But these things are unforgettable because they are a part of this amazing journey called high school. It’s not only because you learn a lot, you meet many new people, but because…

  • Мода,  Тенденции

    Plovdiv Fashion Day

    Today I’m sharing with you and event that was held in my hometown Plovdiv, Bulgaria. My town is known for its creative people using different skills incorporated in clothes, accessories, decorations, etc. It possibly has something to do with the energy of the place. The actual event lived up to my expectations – fashion which wouldn’t be worn by every person but still expresses its unique origin and the style of its maker, awesome for collector as well. There were clothes with classic Bulgarian emboideries, handmade jewellery, personalised umbrellas, phone cases, shoes, bags, leather creations, etc. It was very colourful and innovative. Just like the actual people selling their stuff. It…