To be a princess for a day and to feel so special and loved is amazing… Not everything was like in a fairytale but this is what makes it even more special – with all its flaws and imperfections. I had my absolute dream prom with the people I love and with the dress I’ve always wanted. Today I’m sharing just a tiny bit of what it was like to be graduating and attending such a special event. I am so grateful for all these wonderful emotions I’ve recieved. Hopefully you like what you are about to see – I did my best to picture it with words and photographs:…
Goodbye school!
Finally the last day of school appoached and I’m not sure whether I feel happy or sad. Not sure if I will miss all of this hustle & bustle of being a student. There have been moments when I felt extremely bad about all of these difficult tests and projects I had to cover for a short amount of time… About those unexpected examinations and that drop of adrenalin in your blood when the teacher says your name… But these things are unforgettable because they are a part of this amazing journey called high school. It’s not only because you learn a lot, you meet many new people, but because…
Being Cosy for a Change
Our lives are so full of life. A weird but absolutely true metaphor. This life consists of all of our ideas, passions, emotions, regrets, and we decide in what particular direction to aim all of this. During the last month or two I started feeling differently, perhaps more mature, or not really, but there is certainly a change. A change consisting of tiny and not so tiny things that happened to me, transormed my mind and inspired it to look at things with another eye. A change big enough to share with all of you. In a creative way. To be honest, I had no idea that I’d share this…
Autumn Landscape
Autumn is officially here, cheries! And hopefully we will jump start this season with positive vibes! We’ll talk about trends, food, DIYs, and all kinds of inspiration. I know cold weather and rain may not be the most pleasant thing to all of you. But you can certainly make it less inferior by thinking in another way this year. Even though it is regarded as a dull season we can colour it in a thousand ways! We have all the clichès: pumpkin spice lattes, hot green teas, crisp air, fuzzy sweaters, movie nights, beautiful sceneries, and most importantly, cosy & quiet moments with your loved ones all to impatiently look…
Happy first birthday the Radiant Cherie!
Today is quite an exciting day – my blog is turning 1! Like all the cheesy words you’ll here from everybody, who’s been doing something for the same amount of time, I’d say that the months flew so fast that I cannot even believe and realise it. I learned a lot, and have to learn so so so much more! I can’t wait to share my life with you guys, I’m so excited and inspired for my future and hopefully keep making my dreams come true, because a year ago I would not imagine myself still doing what am doing, and keep learning new things about fashion with the same…
White and Blue in Nessebar
One of my most favourite places in Bulgaria is the Old town of Nessebar. I’ve visited it a lot of times since a little child with my parents, grandparents, schoolmates, and will keep doing so whenever I have the opportunity. It’s in the air – creativity, colours and beauty. I love everything about it – the sea, the Mediterranean style restaurants, the small crafts shops, the flowers, the paving stones on the ground, the old-style houses. Gorgeous and full of inspiration… I will have one more post about it with photos of the place and one last summer holiday outfit very soon, so stay tuned.
A Sweet Escape
To be honest with you I wondered quite a lot how I would name this post because it feels pretty special to me. It was shot in a villiage, in the Rhodope mountains away from the heat, noise and dirt of the city. I needed this break so much because staying in Plovdiv the whole summer without travelling anywhere is not my cup of tea. I feel like I am programmed to be inspired and that’s why I need changes – and this was the one. Pretty simple, just like the title of the post. I didn’t entitle it „In the woods“ or „Etno motives in the wind“ because it…
Gingham for Less
As seen on many runways (Diane Von Fustenberg, Michael Kors, Oscar De La Renta, Botega Venetta, Altuzarra), gingham has definitely become a must have stample in our wardrobe! The romantic, warm-weather cousin of plaid is not only on dresses but on shirts, coats, bags and scarves as well. It gives out feminism and elegance and can be worn for any occasion. I particularly picture myself wearing a gingham dress on a picnic date or with a shirt dress while walking through the narrow streets of a European town (somewhere in Greece, France, Spain or Italy…). What I’ve prepared for you are examples of clothes seen on the runways of SS/2015 and a similar-looking piece for much…
Dior-inspired Pearl Earrings
Вдъхнових се от Dior и Женева от блога a pair and a spare и направих тези обeци. Всъщност е страшно лесно да си ги направите сами у дома. Можете да ги носите на практика навсякъде – в по-лежерна обстановка или в официална обстановка. Това са ми любимите обеци! Изглеждат добре без значение къде ги носите. Ще са Ви необходими: лепило (силиконов пистолет или друг тип силно лепило) 2 едакви перлени мъниста (по-голям размер) обикновени перлени обеци 2 гумени закопчалки за задната част на обицата клечка за зъби или нещо остро Първо сложете лепило в една от дупките на мънистото и избутайте с клечката за зъби. Сега само сложете обеците по познатия начин и сте…
Bluish Spring
Hey and welcome back! I’m more than happy to finally have the chance to share an outfit with you since it’s been a while since my last fashion article! Today is Bulgaria’s Tsvetnitsa which is an equivalent to the catholic Palm Sunday. People named after flowers have the so called ‘name day’, which I celebrate today as well, though my name isn’t particularly a flower… I was with my friends at a pastry café and had a really nice time! As for my outfit, one of my newest obsessions are denim jackets, and this one in particular I purchased from H&M. My daisy print top is from a Turkish shop called adilisik…