Yesterday the newest member of The Radiant Cherie team – Hristiyana, and I went to see Bulgarian designers Mina Goleva and Nikolay Bozhilov’s new collections and showroom. We were warmly welcomed by the two in a cosy apartment in the very centre of Sofia. Mellow music was playing, nice wine and tasty snacks were offered so that the guests can escape from their everyday worries for a while and enjoy what these two have created. Вчера аз и най-новият член на екипа на The Radiant Cherie – Християна, отидохме да видим новите колекции и шоурум на българските дизайнери Мина Голева и Николай Божилов. Бяхме топло посрещнати от двамата в уютен…
Интервю с Теодора Коева
Добре дошли в най-новата серия в блога! Всеки месец ще имаме гост, когото ще интервюирам за неговите виждания и интереси. В първата статия от The Inspiring Cheries ви представям млада дама, чиито мечти стават реалност. Тя е само на 23, но има опит, от който всеки от нас може да научи нещо. Името й е Теодора Коева и директно от модната столица на Италия тя споделя с нас с какво се занимава и от какво се интересува. За тези, които не те познават – ще разкажеш ли малко за себе си и това, което правиш? Живея и уча в Милано вече близо три години. Известно време учих моден дизайн, но…
The Radiant Cherie’s Bookshelf
I recently put all the current books I’m reading on my bedside table. While watching them sitting there I decided I have to share them with you. I am one of those people reading many books at the same time. Basically, I have a book for every mood I’m in. Whether I’m feeling like I want to learn about fashion (a few of you may know I attend a fashion course, so I have to read them), read something romantic, read a poem or a nice wise story – I can always satisfy my needs with the right book. I hope to inspire you to read more because we are…
Blue Gingham in the Countryside
Last week I was lucky enough to escape from the burning heat in Plovdiv and visit a lovely village to spend some quality time with my best friend – Dessy (who took all of these beautiful pictures) and her family. Since I don’t get to travel a lot recently, this visit helped me recharge and clear my mind from all the hustle & bustle in town. I advise you to go somewhere different from all of the places you go to every day – difference inspires people! Миналата седмица имах късмет да избягам от непоносимата жега в Пловдив и да посетя едно хубаво село и да прекарам малко време със…
The Red Church
I recently visited the Red Church near Perushtitsa in Bulgaria with my friends. All I initially knew was that we were going to visit a church, but it actually turned out that the church is a late roman one and is now in ruins. Thankfully, people have found a way to preserve it for longer by excavating it in 1915, and its last renovation was in 2013. The floor of the church used to be covered with mosaics and the interior was decorated with frescoes. I have taken a few photographs of this magnificent place, so take a look: Преди няколко дни посетих Червената църква в Перущица с мои приятели.…
Chokers: The Ultimate Guide – Part 2: DIY
Мина време откакто публикувах последния пост в категорията „Направи си сам“. Щастлива съм, че тази серия се завръща с толкова лесен начин да си направиш хубав аксесоар. Както може би знаете от предишната публикация, чокърите се носят още от Френската революция. Те удължават врата. Обаче внимавайте колко стегнато ги носите. Загрижена съм не само за безопасността ви, а и за това дали ще стои красиво. Така че без да се бавя повече, вижте лесните стъпки: От какво имате нужда: панделка или друга връв дантела закопчалки скобички за панделки jотварящи се пръстенчета мъниста клещи силиконов пистолет ножица За дантеления чокър първо премерете дължината, която ви е необходима. Но оставете няколко допълнителни…
Sofia Jazz Festival
A few days ago I attended the A to JazZ Festival in Sofia. It was such a lovely experience – there was so much space for everybody, the music was amazing and the weather was perfect. There were all sorts of people there – from kids running around to old people who have come just to listen to the good music. What I enjoyed most was that everyone was having fun in their own way without disturbing others. From the photos you can probably see how beautiful it was in the South park of Sofia. Will definitely be sharing more shots from my future visits there! Преди няколко дни посетих…
A Story about a Pink Princess…
To be a princess for a day and to feel so special and loved is amazing… Not everything was like in a fairytale but this is what makes it even more special – with all its flaws and imperfections. I had my absolute dream prom with the people I love and with the dress I’ve always wanted. Today I’m sharing just a tiny bit of what it was like to be graduating and attending such a special event. I am so grateful for all these wonderful emotions I’ve recieved. Hopefully you like what you are about to see – I did my best to picture it with words and photographs:…
May Roses in Nessebar
Going back to one of my most favourite places on earth felt so good. I’m talking about the old town of Nessebar – a beautiful place with ancient history which gets prettier each year. Since it’s may all the roses have blossomed in gorgeous colours and I could not resist to take pictures. One day I know I will have a house with my own garden and a big range of flowers which I will take care of. Because plants are what make a home so welcoming and in harmony with nature. Да се върна в едно от най-любимите ми места на земята беше прекрасно. Говоря за Стария Несебър –…
Goodbye school!
Finally the last day of school appoached and I’m not sure whether I feel happy or sad. Not sure if I will miss all of this hustle & bustle of being a student. There have been moments when I felt extremely bad about all of these difficult tests and projects I had to cover for a short amount of time… About those unexpected examinations and that drop of adrenalin in your blood when the teacher says your name… But these things are unforgettable because they are a part of this amazing journey called high school. It’s not only because you learn a lot, you meet many new people, but because…