Мода,  Тенденции

Chagall Blue and Bright Yellow

page page2 This combination has become more and more ubiquitous during the last few years, hasn’t it? Both of the colours give out a Marocco vibe with a bright note of the Miditerranean. This blue reminds me of the classic Chagall blue, named after the Russian artist Marc Chagall. I had the chance to flick through a book completely dedicated to him and took a few pictures of the paintings giving an example of his authentic blue colour.

Chagall blue, they should call it,
because who has made a color
into a force like this, a force for change?
– by Jeff McMahon

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 As for the yellow, bright yellow in our case, I found another example of an artwork which connects to fashion – a gentle expression and a lemon-yellow dress painted by P. Gauguin in 1894.

lemon_yellow_overview Both colours definitely add a pop of colour and are also universal doesn’t matter if it comes to architecture, interior, decorations, an outfit or accessories. But after all, it is you who decides how that colour „talks“, and that is actually the key part leading to my conclusion: Always play with colours, just know when to stop 😉

Hope you guys liked this post. Let me know in the comments below if you want me to do more art-inspired posts like this in the future 🙂

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